Unit Tests Results

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Tests Errors Success Time (s)
9 0 100% 0.003172

Test suites

Name Tests Errors Success Time (s)
TestHashMap 20 0 100% 0.002838
TestSuccessionListGraph 36 0 100% 0.002226
TestsVertex 8 0 100% 0.000013
TestAcceptance 2 0 100% 0.000394
TestAdjacencyListGraph 37 0 100% 0.002053
TestsGraphImplemetation 13 0 100% 0.005108
TestsAbstractGraph 12 0 100% 0.006774
TestsShortcuts 3 0 100% 0.000907
TestIsConnected 11 0 100% 0.006205
TestIsStronglyConnected 11 0 100% 0.004789
TestDirectTransitiveClosure 7 0 100% 0.003452
TestIndirectTransitiveClosure 6 0 100% 0.010516
TestHasCycle 8 0 100% 0.005804
TestIsTree 9 0 100% 0.003172

Suite: TestHashMap

Name Errors Success Time (s)
testHashMapContainsEmptyList 0 true 0.000033
testEmptyHashMapHasSize0 0 true 0.000021
testHashWithOneMapping 0 true 0.000021
testGetElementHashWithOneMapping 0 true 0.000029
testGetElementHashWithTwoMappings 0 true 0.000039
testGetElementHashWithTwoCollidingMappings 0 true 0.000021
testGetElementHashWithoutKey 0 true 0.002190
testInsertElement 0 true 0.000075
testInsertForcingACollision 0 true 0.000042
testInsertThenGet 0 true 0.000030
testNewlyCreatedMapIsEmpty 0 true 0.000022
testMapWithOneElementIsNotEmpty 0 true 0.000025
testHashIteratorEquality 0 true 0.000037
testHashIteratorTwoCollisionsInZero 0 true 0.000030
testHashIteratorWithFourSparseMappings 0 true 0.000054
testCompatibilityWithSTLFwdIterators 0 true 0.000067
testHashIteratorBeginAndEnd 0 true 0.000023
testTwoRemovesWithNoCollisions 0 true 0.000030
testTwoRemovesWithCollisions 0 true 0.000025
testUnexistingRemove 0 true 0.000024

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Suite: TestSuccessionListGraph

Name Errors Success Time (s)
testItWorks 0 true 0.000001
testEmptyGraphOrder 0 true 0.000043
testGraphWithOneVertexHasOrder1 0 true 0.000029
testGraphWithTwoVerticesAndOneEdgeHasOrder2 0 true 0.000037
testGetTheEdgeOfG2 0 true 0.000244
testOneVertexIsInsertedCorrectly 0 true 0.000022
testNoVerticesInserted 0 true 0.000033
testRemoveVertexWithZeroDegree 0 true 0.000069
testRemoveVertexWithTwoSuccessionsAndNoPredecessors 0 true 0.000097
testRemoveVertexWithThreePredecessors 0 true 0.000085
testOutputDegreeOfAVertexInG2 0 true 0.000044
testOutputDegreeOfAVertexInCyclicGraph 0 true 0.000059
testInputDegreeOfAVertexInG2 0 true 0.000061
testInputDegreeOfVertexGraphWithDifferentInputDegrees 0 true 0.000112
testRemoveEdgeFromG2 0 true 0.000064
testRemoveEdgeFromGraphWithMultipleEdges 0 true 0.000074
testGetNumberOfEdgesInG3 0 true 0.000075
testIgnoreInsertionOfIdenticalEdges 0 true 0.000051
testGetListOfSuccessorsOfAVertex 0 true 0.000054
testGetListOfSuccessorsInAMultigraph 0 true 0.000070
testGetSetOfSuccessorsInAMultigraph 0 true 0.000082
testGetListOfPredecessorsOfAVertexInG2 0 true 0.000067
testGetListOfPredecessorsInAMultigraph 0 true 0.000078
testGetSetOfSuccessorsOfAVertex 0 true 0.000050
testGetSetOfPredecessorsOfAVertexInG2 0 true 0.000068
testGetSetOfPredecessorsInAMultigraph 0 true 0.000074
testGetSetOfAdjacentsInG3 0 true 0.000083
testGetListOfAdjacentsInAMultigraph 0 true 0.000070
testGetSetOfVerticesInG2 0 true 0.000056
testGetListOfVerticesInG3 0 true 0.000078
testGetARandomVertex 0 true 0.000023
testGetAVertexInAnEmptyGraph 0 true 0.000042
testGetAVertexNotIn 0 true 0.000030
testGetAVertexNotInWithEmptyGraph 0 true 0.000037
testGetAVertexNotInWithEmptySet 0 true 0.000020
testGetAVertexNotInWithoutPossibility 0 true 0.000044

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Suite: TestsVertex

Name Errors Success Time (s)
testTemplateInstantiation 0 true 0.000001
testEqualityIntVertex 0 true 0.000002
testEqualityCustomType 0 true 0.000003
testDifferenceIntVertex 0 true 0.000001
testDifferenceCustomType 0 true 0.000002
testHashCodeVertexInt 0 true 0.000001
testHashCodeVertexCustomType 0 true 0.000001
testPolimorficHashCode 0 true 0.000002

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Suite: TestAcceptance

Name Errors Success Time (s)
bigAcceptanceTest 0 true 0.000288
testDirectTransitiveClosureWorks 0 true 0.000106

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Suite: TestAdjacencyListGraph

Name Errors Success Time (s)
testItWorks 0 true 0.000001
testEmptyGraphOrder 0 true 0.000032
testGraphWithOneVertexHasOrder1 0 true 0.000022
testGraphWithTwoVerticesAndOneEdgeHasOrder2 0 true 0.000033
testGetTheEdgeOfG2 0 true 0.000056
testOneVertexIsInsertedCorrectly 0 true 0.000023
testNoVerticesInserted 0 true 0.000032
testRemoveVertexWithZeroDegree 0 true 0.000053
testRemoveVertexWithTwoSuccessionsAndNoPredecessors 0 true 0.000085
testRemoveVertexWithThreePredecessors 0 true 0.000082
testOutputDegreeOfAVertexInG2 0 true 0.000047
testOutputDegreeOfAVertexInCyclicGraph 0 true 0.000065
testInputDegreeOfAVertexInG2 0 true 0.000049
testInputDegreeOfVertexGraphWithDifferentInputDegrees 0 true 0.000083
testRemoveEdgeFromG2 0 true 0.000053
testRemoveEdgeFromGraphWithMultipleEdges 0 true 0.000080
testGetNumberOfEdgesInG3 0 true 0.000084
testIgnoreInsertionOfIdenticalEdges 0 true 0.000053
testGetListOfSuccessorsOfAVertex 0 true 0.000056
testGetSetOfSuccessorsInAMultigraph 0 true 0.000083
testGetListOfSuccessorsInAMultigraph 0 true 0.000081
testGetListOfPredecessorsOfAVertexInG2 0 true 0.000052
testGetListOfPredecessorsInAMultigraph 0 true 0.000075
testGetSetOfSuccessorsOfAVertex 0 true 0.000053
testGetSetOfPredecessorsOfAVertexInG2 0 true 0.000056
testGetSetOfPredecessorsInAMultigraph 0 true 0.000071
testGetSetOfAdjacentsInG3 0 true 0.000086
testGetListOfAdjacentsInAMultigraph 0 true 0.000067
testGetSetOfVerticesInG2 0 true 0.000059
testGetListOfVerticesInG3 0 true 0.000094
testGetARandomVertex 0 true 0.000026
testGetAVertexInAnEmptyGraph 0 true 0.000036
testAdjacentsInG13Mariani 0 true 0.000092
testGetAVertexNotIn 0 true 0.000029
testGetAVertexNotInWithEmptyGraph 0 true 0.000037
testGetAVertexNotInWithEmptySet 0 true 0.000021
testGetAVertexNotInWithoutPossibility 0 true 0.000046

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Suite: TestsGraphImplemetation

Name Errors Success Time (s)
testBuildK2 0 true 0.001165
testBuildK3 0 true 0.000293
testBuildK4 0 true 0.000472
testBuildK3_3 0 true 0.000699
testBuildMarianiG9 0 true 0.000380
testBuildMarianiG12 0 true 0.000552
testRemoveEdgeFromK2 0 true 0.000152
testRemoveEdgeFromMarianiG12 0 true 0.000296
testDegreesInK4 0 true 0.000241
testDegreesInKG12 0 true 0.000251
testRemoveEdgeFromEmptyGraphDoesNothing 0 true 0.000084
testRemoveUnexistingEdgeInMarianiG12 0 true 0.000276
testNumberOfEdgesInGraph 0 true 0.000247

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Suite: TestsAbstractGraph

Name Errors Success Time (s)
testVertexColorWithoutInitialisingMap 0 true 0.000505
testColorVertexCreatesMap 0 true 0.000294
testVertexColorIsDefautlWithInitialisedMap 0 true 0.000225
testUncoloredGraphIsNotColored 0 true 0.000234
testPartiallyColoredGraphIsNotColored 0 true 0.000546
testColoredGraphIsColored 0 true 0.000297
testPreviouslyColoredGraphGainsNewVertex 0 true 0.000301
testColoredGraphLosesAndGainColoredVertex 0 true 0.000549
testCanColorWithoutAdjacents 0 true 0.001831
testCanColorWithOneAdjacent 0 true 0.000483
testCanColorWithAdjacents 0 true 0.000685
testPOBoxColorCycleWithThreeVertices 0 true 0.000824

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Suite: TestsShortcuts

Name Errors Success Time (s)
testBuildGraphFromEmptySet 0 true 0.000099
testBuildGraphFromSet 0 true 0.000445
testBuildGraphFromArrayWithWeights 0 true 0.000363

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Suite: TestIsConnected

Name Errors Success Time (s)
testG2IsConnected 0 true 0.000286
testG3IsConnected 0 true 0.000482
testG12MarianiIsConnected 0 true 0.001125
testG13MarianiIsConnected 0 true 0.000467
testGraphWithOneVertexIsConnected 0 true 0.000109
testEmptyGraphIsConnected 0 true 0.000069
testGraphWithTwoVerticesIsDisconnected 0 true 0.000114
testG14MarianiIsDisconnected 0 true 0.000683
testG15MarianiIsDisconnected 0 true 0.000788
testG16MarianiIsConnected 0 true 0.000902
testG17MarianiIsConnected 0 true 0.001180

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Suite: TestIsStronglyConnected

Name Errors Success Time (s)
testG2IsSConn 0 true 0.000258
testG4IsSConn 0 true 0.000729
testMarianiG16IsSConn 0 true 0.000844
testEmptyGraphIsSConn 0 true 0.000071
testGraphWithOneVertexIsSConn 0 true 0.000103
testGraphWithTwoVerticesIsNotSConn 0 true 0.000104
testGraphWithOneISolatedVertexIsNotSConn 0 true 0.000256
testGraphWithThreeVerticesIsNotSConn 0 true 0.000318
testMarianiG17IsNotSConn 0 true 0.000991
testMarianiG15IsNotSConn 0 true 0.000700
testMarianiG13IsNotSConn 0 true 0.000415

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Suite: TestDirectTransitiveClosure

Name Errors Success Time (s)
testDTCInG2 0 true 0.000308
testDTCInG4 0 true 0.001445
testDTCInMarianiG13 0 true 0.000718
testDTCInDigraphWith7Vertices 0 true 0.000615
testDTCInEmptyGraphIsEmpty 0 true 0.000072
testDTCOfUnexistingVertexIsEmpty 0 true 0.000193
testDTCWithTrivialGraph 0 true 0.000101

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Suite: TestIndirectTransitiveClosure

Name Errors Success Time (s)
testITCInG2 0 true 0.000343
testITCInG4 0 true 0.001755
testITCInMarianiG13 0 true 0.007708
testITCInEmptyGraphIsEmpty 0 true 0.000282
testITCOfUnexistingVertexIsEmpty 0 true 0.000314
testITCWithTrivialGraph 0 true 0.000114

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Suite: TestHasCycle

Name Errors Success Time (s)
testG3HasCycle 0 true 0.000551
testG2HasNoCycle 0 true 0.000190
testMarianiG13HasNoCycle 0 true 0.000883
testDigraphWith7VerticesHasCycle 0 true 0.001805
testMarianiG15HasCycle 0 true 0.000917
testMarianiG16HasCycle 0 true 0.001307
testEmptyGraphHasNoCycle 0 true 0.000072
testTrivialGraphHasNoCycle 0 true 0.000079

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Suite: TestIsTree

Name Errors Success Time (s)
testSimpleTreeIsTree 0 true 0.000381
testG1IsNotTree 0 true 0.000074
testG2IsNotTree 0 true 0.000188
testG3IsNotTree 0 true 0.000462
testDigraphWithTwoVerticesIsNotTree 0 true 0.000167
testDigraphWith7VerticesIsNotTree 0 true 0.000872
testTreeWith4VerticesIsTree 0 true 0.000478
testPathWith4VerticesIsTree 0 true 0.000482
testEmptyGraphIsNotTree 0 true 0.000068

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