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Algorithms and Networks

On this webpage, information on the course Algorithms and Networks will be posted.

Latest news

General information

For general information, see the Departments webpage on this course.

The language of the course is English, unless all students following the course are Dutch speaking.

Exams and exercises

The course has two exams, the first approximately half the course and the second at the end of the course. In addition, you must make a number of exercises.

Exam 1

Exam 1 takes two hours. The precise topics of Exam 1 will be announced later. The exam is about approximately the first half of the course, and will at least cover: flow, shortest paths, matching, stable marriage. It will also include the material of exercises for these topics.

You may have with you four pages (sides) with written or printed notes, but not more.

Exam 2

Exam 2 takes three hours. The precise topics of Exam 2 will be announced later. It covers basically the second half of the course, assuming you did not forget the first half. It will also include the material of exercises for these topics.


There is one possibility to do a re-exam.

General information

If you have an insufficient final grade, then the following rules apply:

You may consult notes, and printouts of sheets during the exam: in total at most four pages, but no books.

Handing in and grading of exercises

Please hand in the solutions on paper to the lecturer mentioned at the beginning of a set of exercises. This must be done on or before the deadline. More precisely: you can hand in the work on paper in the classroom just before or after the lectures (put the exercises in the folder with the right number) , or place the work in the mailbox of Hans Bodlaender at the 5th floor of the BBL. The deadline is slightly soft: the real hard deadline is the day after the deadline at 09.00 hours sharp. See also above about the rule of 'missing one deadline a few days'.

You can write either in English or in Dutch.

Your work should be

Work that is hard to read or very messy will be graded with a 0. Do not forget your name and student number on your work.


Exercises will be graded from a natural number from 0 to 13 (usual at most a 10). Often, there is an easy exercise giving one point, and a hard one giving one point. In several cases, more exercises will be given than needed to obtain a 10; making more exercises can give a higher grade. However, grades above 10 only count if your average for all exercise grades up to 10 is at least a 6. Grades depend both on the correctness, and on the quality of your writing and explanations.

Working together on exercises

It is allowed to discuss solutions with other students, under the following rules:

Exercise sets

The exercise sets will be posted here. Note that the real deadline is always the next morning at 09.15, and that there is the {\em joker rule}.

  1. Exercise set 1: Pdf-file.
    Deadline: Monday, September 17, 2012.
  2. Exercise set 2: Pdf-file.
    Deadline: Monday, Oktober 1, 2012.
  3. Exercise set 3: Pdf-file.
    Deadline: Monday, Oktober 8, 2012.
  4. Exercise set 4: Pdf-file.
    Deadline: Monday, Oktober 15, 2012.
  5. Exercise set 5: Pdf-file.
    Deadline: Monday, Oktober 22, 2012.
  6. Exercise set 6: Pdf-file.
    Deadline: Monday, Oktober 29, 2012.

Schedule and materials

The schedule is as follows. Changes to the schedule are always possible. Reserve topics:

Materials of previous years

These are still materials of last year. Some changes are expected. Zipfiles:

Further reading

See below for more information on the books.

Recommended books (not obligatory)

None of these books is needed to be able to follow the course. For some topics, they help.
Webpage made and maintained by Hans Bodlaender. Thanks to several students who helped with links, pdf-versions of powerpoint files, etc.